Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hair Towel Tutorial

This is one of the BEST towels ever in life.  They have been around forever but still, these remain a mysery to some people.  My husband bought one for me early in our marriage.  Whenever he has a ding dong moment, I remember that he bought me the towel that changed my life and all is forgiven.  Yep, they are that awesome!!!  If you can sew a straight line, you can make this!  Once again, my husband gained a few tally marks on the "most awesome boyfriend ever" chart when he bought me my serger machine.  You can make this with just a sewing machine, but the towel sheds and gets everywhere.  Nothing that a wash in the washer can't fix eventually!
I love to give these as gifts.  They are awesome for a new mom baby shower gift, bridal shower or a gift for the holidays. If you don't feel like making one, feel free to visit my Etsy store to purchase a turbie hair towel.
You will need a hand towel, and 5 inches of elastic.  You will also need to use scissors, large dinner plate and your sewing machine.
I don't have a pattern that I trace and most of the time I just eyeball the towel when I cut it.  Make sure that the fold is away from you when you cut.  I use the plate to trace out the circle from the fold then straiten out the line towards the edge.  I used soap to mark my line, you can also use chalk.

 From the other end of the towel make your cut with a slight curve.  The more towel you can keep the better.  If you didn't make the cut to meet the first cut that you did, trim it.  This is where your elastic will go.
Your elastic needs to be pinned in between the two pieces of towel.  I put it in the spot where the curve starts at the top of the circle. Secure it with a pin.

I use two more pins as each end of the towel. You are ready to sew now!  I like to both serge and sew.  My serger doesn't give me a sharp seam so I like to serge, then sew.

Pretty simple right?  It is harder to figure out how to place it on your head than it is to make it.
Thanks to my daughter, I have a tutorial for that too!  Just put the round part of the towel at your neck.  Twist the towel and then tuck it into the elastic. 
Seriously, this thing will change your life.  Just get a removable hook to put next to the shower to hang your towel up.  I put it on before I even get out of the shower.  It makes it so my hair doesn't drip all over me which makes me very happy!  I can even chase my heathen 2 year old without worrying about my towel falling off of my head.  I need all of the skills I can gather when it comes to that kid!

Want one? It would be my pleasure!



  1. I need 4 of these! I have long hair and this WOULD change me life!

  2. i love this idea!! i use mine everyday and it is very convenient. cuz i do my make up first and hair last!! best idea EVER!! :)

  3. This is a great idea, I have seen them around too but I am just now deciding to make one for my long hair.
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. I loved this whole post. Sense of humor, very giving with the knowledge and offering to sell without being pushy. I like your style kid!

  5. Can you do these for children's heads? I'm struggling to find a small one to fit my 4 year old.

  6. I'm confused about the elastic. Are you folding it in half before you pin it? I only see one end of it. Thanks!

  7. Hi
    Great post, thanks for taking the time and having the energy to post this tutorial. I noticed that you said your serger doesn't sew in a straight line. I see from the pic that your tension is all wrong and your threads aren't lying where they should do. Have a look in your instruction book or online to see which threads you need to tighten or loosen to get your tension correct. Believe me, it's worth the effort. Also, if you put your loop of elastic on the narrow end and a button on the bottom of the wide edge you can loop the elastic over the button once you have put the towel on your head, twisted it around and taken the thin end over to the back of your head.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this and good luck with your future projects.
